15 - Perfect alignment

Perfect Alignment

Today is a call to freedom… what do you really want? At least that’s what the planets are urging. Tonight is a solar eclipse, and there wont be another one for 20 years. It comes on the back of a lunar eclipse two weeks ago. This pair is influencing our lives more than you might think, and if you’ve been experiencing a lot of desires and yet holding back, the urging is to just move ahead. Possibly with a little introspection, probably with a goodly dose of courage.  

Here’s the nudge for the week: What is (truly) standing in your way? Don’t be afraid of facing your fears. This is the year and indeed the day on which to really start to play a fuller ‘game’ – ie live the life you truly want to create. It’s in the stars, literally.  
What if today is the day you start to let go INTO what is inevitable? 

Change is here and is even being expedited in this season of eclipses.  (If you are into this sort of thing, here’s a sensible not to deeply astrological summary for you).

Last summer, I went on a rollercoaster ride in the Tivoli; this particular ride is one I used to love as a kid aka 40 years ago. It has been making kids and adults alike scream out loud in joy and fear since way before that. It’s rickety, ancient, and mostly wooden! (and that in itself seems romantic and terrifying in equal measure for some reason).  

These eclipses are essentially asking the same of us. Line up, get on board, clip yourself in, and hold on (or don’t) as you whoosh through at speed to meet yourself at the end of the ride, most likely a little shaken and ready to steady your life with a brighter lighter soul as you’ve shed the fears because you’ve arrived.  

The upshot of it all is that whether you believe in this, or whether you are just tapping into what seems to be going on energetically, you’ll see that there’s a lot of upheaval, likely right there in your own life. My suggestion is to loosen the reigns a little, and let life lead you where you yourself are not daring to go.  

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