The Vision Board and Wonder Space Workshop
£140/ £97
This workshop is NOT just about handing you a pair of scissors, some magazines and saying go create your life! I’ll get you in right into the state to be in and and help you tap into how you want to feeeeeel. (THAT’s what makes the magic happen!).
We work through a beautiful process, before the crafty bit begins!. The end result is a collaged board that represents what you want to do, be and have in your life that will inspire and delight you for the next 1-3 years.
We start by celebrating your successes, and get you certainty by looking at what you can learn to leave behind that you no longer want or don’t want to bring forward. You will create your Vision Board as a continuous visual reminder of what you want to create, what you want to feel and experience every day. You choose what to focus on and how you want to represent it – your Vision Board is a proven way to get more of what you want in your life with much less effort. What you focus on comes into view, into being.
"If you take responsibility for yourself, you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams."
- Les Brown
Get Your Workshop Done
1 DAY Workshop with two group calls a week and a month later
£297/ £197
If you know you need to develop a workshop or create an online seminar, but have no clue where to begin, THIS is the workshop for you. Through the day you’ll craft your idea into a tangible workshop plan that you can use to create the impact, influence and income you deserve.
- Learn which ONE idea to shape into a talk, workshop or seminar
- Focus solely on crafting that one idea into a well-structured presentation or workshop that will allow your audience to understand you, engage with your concepts and experience a connection with you and your material
- Create interactive exercises and intentional discussion to support your learners in really ‘getting’ what you are talking about at a visceral level, and even go and DO something about it
Learn how to structure your information for any future workshops or ideas by running it through the ‘4 EASE’ model
Doddle Day Workshop
£127/ £97
A one day workshop to ‘get things done’. Make progress a possibility with a Day of Doing, Developing, Learning and Evolving.
Work on a project that you are just starting off, or need to finish. Write a book outline; get your social media plan for the quarter done; develop a new product; get your head around your profit and loss accounts; learn how to finally do those FB adverts you’ve been putting off….you get the idea.
Bring with you whatever you know you want to start, progress or complete and do it in a calm, focused and supportive atmosphere where you can ask questions, get help and not be distracted from all the other things that might pull you off track! Includes lunch and breaks for fun and learning!
"Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out."
- John Wooden
"Helena provides a safe space for people to explore and discover, she offers different perspectives, she challenges people, she learns from people she works with."

– Hayley Twigg Wheeler, Managing Director and founder of EmotionMind Dynamic therapy –