
yourself at my retreats

Release Your Baggage, Unlock Your Briliance

This Workshop Teaches You How To Let Go Of the Blocks, Baggage and Barriers That Stop You Making Money And Helping Others.

Get the Clarity You Need to Build Or Grow Your Healing, Helping, Holistic or Thought-Leading Business


A whole new simple and easy way to release and clear your blockages, that is certified and can make you money

Three days of nurturing, learning, connecting, growing and support in beautiful surroundingse

Leave behind your limitations and allow all that you truly deserve

An all inclusive environment, accommodation, meals and beautiful surroundings in which you can expand and explore just who you are and what you want to step into

Succeed As You & SHINE

Registration Opens next month!

Life is just better when you feel the SHINE!

You are brilliant, just as you are...you deserve to Succeed As You. That involves you taking full ownership of the way you lead your life.


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Figure out your Framework - in a weekend!

Sign up to the waitlist

A framework of your best thinking allows you to market yourself with ease. a framework sits at the heart of your business and is the key to shaping your business model.

Once you have found and framed your thinking into an easy to understand methodology to follow, you will be in the strongest position you've ever been in:

Give yourself the gift of three days and a follow up working session that will sky rocket you to success.

Your sales conversations will happen with more ease,

Your products will be aligned and easy to understand for your ideal clients

You will create talks and presentations that make sense to your audience You will have something to be known for that positions you as the credible expert you are. 

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“I've just finished a workshop with Helena & I feel like a different person. So much clarity.”


– Helena Morgan, Stylist –