Don’t Rush It
Don’t rush it. If it’s not done to your standards, you’ll regret it. The ‘it’ here is anything you’ve put your mind to doing or getting ‘out there’. If you are not happy, put it off until you are.
Unless of course you are only putting it off because you are afraid. In which case, get it out there or get going! If you’ve completed something to the best of your ability, if you’ve got it to a stage where there’s nothing else you can think of that makes it better, or right, or ready, then it’s time.
But if you know you are rushing it, if you know you’ve set yourself a date, and ‘things happened’ or you just know that it can be better, then my advice is to hold off a day or two, make it your totally focus, clear the decks if you can, and just get it completed.
Because when we do things not to our standard, even if it ends up very successful and/or makes you a ton of money, some part of you will always regret not quite doing it the way you wanted.
Most things don’t go brilliantly first time around. Don’t add insult to injury by sending out substandard work. It’s not worth it for your peace of mind and self esteem.
That’s me off my soapbox. Take a look at your projects, see what’s nearly done, check that it’s done to your standards, and complete it or do what it takes to get it done, in a way that you are happy with it.
Have a good week!