31_ Sometimes you just have to

Sometimes You Just Have To

How often do you trust your gut or heart over your brain?

I think we’ve all had the experience of being presented with something that we want to say ‘yes’ to – even though there’s not a full understanding rationally of what exactly you are saying yes to.  

That feeling you get inside (intuition) or the gut vibes (instinct) that are way ahead of the head (intellect). When that happens, it’s really useful to ‘listen’ to them. I’ve learned that for me it’s an 80% or more that I know, and a solid 100% in either gut or heart will get me over the line.  
I had a coaching conversation with someone today that helped them understand what their percentage is for making those kinds of decisions. We talked a lot about how we know that the ‘voice’ or feeling is ‘for real’ and can be trusted.  
It’s made me think about ‘knowing’ – it’s a subject I love to think about to be fair. 

We make decisions on the back of ‘knowing’, and my invitation is always to ensure that all three I’s are aligned. The Intellect, The Intuition and The Instinct. I’ve come to trust that any one of them can be the leader. That’s been revolutionary in my world.  

Most of us have been conditioned to be intellectually sure about things, especially things that we buy or spend time on. But really, it’s the other two centres that get the final say, even if the brain leads with all the pros and cons. So, sometimes, maybe giving over the reigns is a good idea.  

That’s my invite for you this week; take time out and review your day a couple of times this week. Which part of you makes most of the decisions? Does it work for you? What would happen if you led with a different part? Just questions to get you experiencing life more widely.  

I’d love to know what you discover! 

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